In March 2020, the Government of Ghana announced a total Lock down in Greater Accra and Greater Kumasi as a result of the COVID19 Pandemic. Access to basic needs and food stuff became difficult as movements were restricted.
During this difficult times, Geodrill Management organised and donated various items to the Save Our Lives Orphanage (SOL-GH) at Anwiankwanta. The items worth about GHS 8,000 included 20 bags of Rice, 10 Gallons of edible oil, 10 crates of chicken products and beverages.
Matron of the Home, Madam Paulina, was grateful to Geodrill for always coming to the aid of the orphanage in times of need. She was also grateful for the individuals from the company who often visit the home to check on them.
The company also distributed over 300 bottles of hand sanitizers to the Anwiankwanta community as part of the Government’s effort to curb the spread of the COVID19 Pandemic.

Geodrill representatives Richard Kofie, Felix Owusu-Twum and Eric with Madam Paulina and the kids of SOL-GH